Team Post
Hello, I´m an older player who came back after 2 years I played CSGO FaceIT around Level 6/7 but didn´t commit a lot because I was focused on Stacraft 2 tournaments back then. I have the basic foundation of Teamplay in CS I would love to play FaceIT right now too but it´s AntiCheat requires TPM 2.0 to be activated, which my pc is not capable of, I have an old PC. TPM 2.0 is something inside your motherboard which cannot be bypassed if your motherboard simply is too old like mine. Im always open for scrims, tryouts, Premier etc. My preffered role is Lurk, I can play support as well if I had to. My knowledge of current executions is lacking, which would need an introduction. I just finished my premier ranking 10-6 which got me into 5k Elo. Feels bad but Im still capable of playing on a higher level, I just need to play more games, I just gotten back into it so I´m not mad but just so you are aware what my current Situation is. Discord: just1dude.